My 3 little angels.

My 3 little angels.
Aubrey (6), Owen (2), Joshua (9)

Hanging in the kitchen.

Hanging in the kitchen.
My adorable husband, Jeremy!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Okay.....We as a family have been sick for 2 months now.....really????? Colds, flus, sinus infections, croup, congestion, MRSA, malaria.....okay..... not really malaria. But, really..... how much sickness can a family of 5 get in 2 months? I actually don't want to know the answer to this question.

But the good new is Aubrey got her cast off of her broken arm a few weeks ago, and she is good to go. Joshua was home sick today from school with, you got it, a bad cold/flu. Owen, Owen, Owen.....he's like a machine. He doesn't need much sleep, or food (because he's 2) and he thinks he is as able, as his 9 yr old big brother and his 6 yr old big sister. He didn't fall asleep until after 11:00pm last night and was up at 8:15am. I found him asleep on my bedroom floor in front of cartoons at 10:00am he didn't make it very long. He's a crack up!

Joshua and Owen helped me restain the picnic table today. It was fun - but of course I'm not sure if I'm loving the stain color so we may be staining again next week. The boys were so cute and helpful. Aubrey played with her best friend Aubrianna most of the afternoon and evening, she even stayed for dinner.

Well, I'm off to bed. More soon.

1 comment:

  1. MAHALO for the post!! :) I love to hear what you guys are up to seeing that we are a couple states away and do not get to see you all the time! You will have to tell me about your staining experience. We got a kitchen table from a family in our ward, actually I think it might be exactly like your old table, and I was thinking about staining it--something I know nothing about. How hard are we talking? :)

    I LOVE and miss all of you so much!
